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We're almost done this year with kid birthday parties

So, today is my son Aiden's 6th birthday. And we will celebrate tomorrow.

birthday parties for kids

They are so spread out with all my three kids. One is in March, the second is in August and now September.

When it's the beginning of the year and it's January and you have done Christmas, Thanksgiving and New Year's Eve you look forward to a little break from parties.

But no no no. It's parties after parties non stop. It's a good thing.

The kids love it, but we parents have to plan them. In the end and throughout I'm happy we are able to have birthday parties for our kids.

My husband and I normally just invite the aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews, and grandma. It's very intimate.

We have pizzas, drinks, cake a little pinata.

It's simple.

Even though I have a messy house and crumbs on the floor, I know since my house is pretty much organized, it's quick to put things away and do the usual cleaning.

So, here I am blogging and I have to prepare for my child's party. And looking forward to it. Pizza. I love Pizza.

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